As promised, here is a list of acronyms used in the podcast:
CFR: Council of Foreign Relations DOD: Department of Defense J5: Plans Division of the Joint Staff (distinct From J2 (Intelligence), J3 (Operations), J4 (Logistics), etc.) Goldwater-Nichols: Legislation in 1986 (read about it here) BMA Memo: Best Military Advice memo EUCOM: European Command OSD: Office of the Secretary of Defense OSD Policy: Office of the Secretary Defense Undersecretary for Policy SecDef: Secretary of Defense ASD: Assistant Secretary of Defense (e.g., ASD Wallander) DASD: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (e.g., DASD Cooper) SME: Subject Matter Expert (not to be confused with "Mr. Smee", which I thought was a somewhat-cruel nickname) NSC: National Security Council CJCS: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff CHOD: Chairman (or Chief) of Defense. Colloquially: "The Guy" at the top of the military -- CJCS counterpart for military-to-military (mil-to-mil) telephone calls OBE: Overtaken By Event
A personal reflection on the preparation of policy outputs for a meeting ethnographers reflecting on the effects of the war in Ukraine (organized by Egor Lazarev), cross-posted at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies Ethics of Engagement project by request.